
Showing posts from August, 2018 - 3D MMORPG game built on blockchain

Hello there steemians, Here in this post I want to present you the the future of gaming in blockchain, that will make you get tokens ( real money on cryptocurrenics) while playing this game, buying their assets, and increasing your wealth. Crytobarons token will be an utility token and will go on ICO this Friday, With the date of 1st of June 2018. The game is built on Blockchain, and why it is built on Blockchain technology and how? We believe that CryptoBarons will lead the future of gaming on the Blockchain. Just as games developed rapidly and progressively from Tetris, to 8-bit, 16-bit and now high end graphics games, CryptoBarons is the gamechanger and the beginning of a new dawn for gaming on the Blockchain. This paper describes the rationale behind the design for the game and reasons behind the methods we chose in our design. Why Blockchain? The blockchain, being a decentralized platform, brings a lot of benefits for large a...


A decentralized multi-user role-playing game that runs on Ethereum Blockchain. Hello, Guy, today I will discuss here a new subject, a new thing that is Crypto barons. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO ... but Crypto Barons blockchain is the coolest one, and for more details we'll tackle the following topics: Crypto Barons is a simulation game that belongs to the medieval period and is built on the block "Ethereum Blockhein" by Blockchain Ugarsoft. The coin is the marker ERC20, which became the generally accepted currency of the first group of barons. This is the era of the barons, predicted by Sir Edmond Halbert, and a number of barons are already going to Albigon. The goal of each baron is to collect enough collectibles (land, wood, food, workers and land soldiers), take responsibility for the exchange market and become very strong; so that they can quickly resist the times of hunger, disa...

A decentralized multi-player role-playing game that works on Blockchain.

Hello, today I will discuss here a new project that is Crypto Barons. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO ... but Crypto Barons is the coolest, and for more details we'll tackle the following topics: Crypto Barons is a game related to the medieval period and built on the block ETH blockchain by the Blockchain Division of Ugarsoft. The Coin is the ERC20 marker, which was made the generally accepted currency of the first group of barons to appear. This is the age of the barons, as Sir Edmond Halbert predicted, and a number of barons are already making their way to Albigon. The goal of each baron is to collect enough collectibles (land, wood, food, workers and land soldiers), take responsibility for the exchange market and become very strong; so that they can quickly resist the times of hunger, disasters and wars. Baron  Token (utility token) The Baron Token (BRN) is a utility token, which is mainly used to purchas...

Alive Play Casino

Hallo .. Teman, Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek Alive Casino , ada baiknya membaca ulasan yang dapat membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi yang mungkin membantu Anda dalam melihat visi misi mereka selama proyek Alive Casino : Berikut ulasannya !! Tidak peduli apa pun investor Anda, Anda ingin membeli token untuk menghasilkan uang. Banyak token yang berguna, memberi Anda akses ke manfaat besar pada beberapa platform hebat. Yang lain - token keamanan - menguntungkan dan jika Anda memiliki cukup uang, Anda dapat berpartisipasi dalam keuntungan dan mengumpulkan jutaan dividen. Bahkan tag gadget, tentu saja, dapat mencapai nilai, dan akhirnya Anda dapat menjual token untuk lebih banyak lagi. Sekarang Anda telah dapat berinvestasi dalam semua jenis bisnis blockchain - fintech, hiburan, dan proyek berbagi data yang berlimpah - tetapi apakah Anda pernah berinvestasi di ICO kasino? Orang membeli kartu karena berbagai alasan. Bagi sebagian orang, membeli token I...

Alive Casino cryptocurrency Kasino Pertama di Dunia Yang offers RV gamming

Casino Alive disebut perusahaan atau organisasi dalam arti bahwa "Tolong buat semuanya hidup." Pertama-tama, kasino adalah bisnis, tetapi, tentu saja, ini adalah komunitas yang hidup. Sebagai sebuah misi, Team Alive mencoba untuk memaksa penggemar game untuk berusaha, tumbuh, dan menciptakan opsi game yang aman. Tujuan utama dari kehidupan kasino adalah untuk mengetahui pangsa pasar. Tujuannya dicapai melalui pengembangan strategi utama untuk pengembangan suami: pertama, hanya dengan pengalaman gamer online, penjual nyata yang dapat menerima ulasan dilihat melalui jejaring sosial dan pengalaman, dan kedua, terutama teknologi Blockchain . Kami akan mengikuti praktik transparan. Alive Casino Adalah cryptocurrency Kasino Pertama di Dunia Yang offers RV gamming, kesempatan Andari Sekarang untuk review tinjauan MASUK tinjauan untuk review LEBIH tinjauan Awal Penjualan Pribadi Ekslusif Akan Segera Terbuka. Alive Casino dinamakan, Sebagai Organisasi Bisnis ATAU Melayani S...

Review ICO Alive Casino

The Alive Casino is named as such because, as both a company and an organization, everything is about “keeping things alive.” First and foremost, the casino is, of course, a business, but it is also a living, breathing community. The Alive team endeavors to, as its mission, create a living, thriving, and secure gaming alternative for gambling enthusiasts. The casino’s chief objective is to operate in such a way that allows online casinos to occupy a greater share of the gambling market. This goal will be achieved through two key strategies: first, by following only transparent practices, largely through Blockchain technology, and second, by enabling a real human experience for online players through effective social media and a VR gambling experience. About Alive Casino The Alive Casino is an online gaming platform designed to seamlessly integrate the Blockchain and to take advantage of the latest developments in VR technology. Online casinos are making previously unseen inr...


The world has grown and evolved over decades and centuries from the use of crude means of exchange to fiat currencies and even after the development of such fiat currencies, it has seemed inadequate over time, hence, the development of digital assets and currencies now known as cryptocurrencies. Despite the many restrictions and sanctions placed by regulatory bodies located in many countries of the world the use and acceptance of cryptocurrencies and digital assets has proven to not only be unstoppable but also inevitable in our contemporary time. Decoin is a platform that seeks to sustain the expansion and growth of the use of cryptocurrencies in countries of the world. Boosted by a user-friendly platform, it enables trade and exchange of funds as well as the transfer of funds at little or no charges, decentralizing not only the trade and exchange system but also distributing profits across boards to all the contributors and users of the Decoin platform worldwide, which makes...

Fanfare - Komunitas Bisnis Sosial

Tentang platform berbasis komunitas Fanfare , dua sisi untuk membuat, mengkurasi, dan mengubah video yang dihasilkan oleh konsumen menjadi video belanja instan bermerek, Fanfare dibuat khusus untuk perdagangan sosial. Blok-blok bangunannya dibuat dan dibuat dari awal, terutama perdagangan sosial dan video belanja. fitur dan fungsi telah dirancang dengan cermat dan dirancang dengan baik, hal ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan interaksi dua arah antara merek dan konsumen, merek dan konsumen untuk membantu membangun hubungan yang lebih erat, sehingga merek dapat memperluas hubungan dengan konsumen untuk menjaga kepercayaan, familiar , dan antusiasme. Fitur unik Fanfare adalah mempermudah merek mengubah semua video yang dihasilkan konsumen menjadi video belanja. Pengguna juga dapat dengan mudah mempublikasikan dan membagikan video di Fanfare pada platform media sosial apa pun. Insentif tambahan adalah bahwa merek kini dapat secara akurat dan hemat biaya menambahkan tombol beli...

FANFARE Die weltweit erste Blockchain Social Commerce Community

Image Online-Shopping ist der Kauf von Waren und Dienstleistungen über Internet-Medien. Durch Einkäufe über das Internet können Käufer zuerst die Waren und Dienstleistungen sehen, die sie im Web ausgeben möchten, die vom Verkäufer beworben werden. Diese Online-Shopping-Aktivität ist eine neue Form der Kommunikation, die keine direkte Kommunikation von Angesicht zu Angesicht erfordert, sondern getrennt von und zur Welt über ein Notebook, einen Computer oder mobile Medien, die mit einem Internetzugang verbunden sind. Online-Shopping ist eine Form des elektronischen Handels, die für Verkäufertransaktionsaktivitäten an den Verkäufer oder Verkäufer an den Konsumenten verwendet wird. Diese fragmentierten Kundenbeziehungen und das Fehlen von Verbindungen zwischen Herstellern, Marken und Benutzern haben sich ergeben ein soziales Handelsumfeld, das sein volles Potenzial nicht entfalten kann. Fanfare Ökosystem zielt darauf ab, dieses Problem...


Die soziale Handelsgemeinschaft der Blockchain in der Welt Kryptowährung wie Bitcoin oder Altcoin scheint ein Werkzeug für den Welthandel zu sein. Ja, vergessen Sie einige echte Währungen, die nur in einigen Ländern verfügbar sind. Zusammen mit der Entwicklung der Internettechnologie kann jede Transaktion global durchgeführt werden.  Interessanterweise ist es nicht nur flexibler, etwas zu kaufen oder zu kaufen, es scheint auch, dass Sie Cryptocurrency auf eine klügere Weise verwenden sollten. Einer von ihnen nutzt es als Handels- und Investitionsobjekt. Wie geht es? Natürlich müssen Sie zuerst der Plattform der Cryptocurrency Site beitreten, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, Finanzierungsaktivitäten wie Handel und Investitionen zu tätigen. Dies ist sehr schwierig, insbesondere bei Straftaten wie Betrug, die heute weit verbreitet sind. In der Zwischenzeit gibt es viele Websites, die diese Dienste anbieten, ohne dass Sie wissen, ob es legitim ist oder nicht. hierfür empfehl...